It’s Always Something

It’s Always Something

Isn’t it? She says, twisting her hair in her fingers
I mean, she laughs,
It’s one thing
Being alone, isn’t it, but something else entirely to be
She winks:
Trust me, I’ve been both, and parties don’t last,
I mean, honestly, 
I drag myself to functions all the time and-
Weekdays, too!
A Tuesday in a gown! I mean, can you imagine?
On the subway?
In a dress made by a hunched over old artisan and there’s me sweating in a hundred pounds of beads because, of course, I had to pick the one car with 
No air, I mean
Can you even imagine?
And it’s never worth it, really, is it, like, you know,
I’ve never seen a fig tree with regrets, have you? Exactly-
But you see it’s one thing to feel trapped and then it’s something else entirely to get the bends just getting out of bed.
I mean, right?
(She’s laughing as she twists a finger through her hair)
You get it, right? You know, since apparently it’s all just one big joke
The loneliness, the parties, all the- 
God, and then we all get so worked up about it all as if,
As if,
As if it were the end of the world when I keep telling people I feel the world ends much too often these days ha ha but really
I would love,
And I mean, by the way,
L-O-V-E love
A single month with no apocalypses.
One! Ha! Right? Honestly.
It’s one thing to be cynical, she laughs, still twisting, isn’t it,
It’s another to be unrealistic.


Courtesan With Hat - Pablo Picasso
you never call, you never write...

(get in touch!)
you never call, you never write...

(get in touch!)