It’s Always Something
Isn’t it? She says, twisting her hair in her fingers
I mean, she laughs,
It’s one thing
Being alone, isn’t it, but something else entirely to be
She winks:
Trust me, I’ve been both, and parties don’t last,
I mean, honestly,
I drag myself to functions all the time and-
Weekdays, too!
A Tuesday in a gown! I mean, can you imagine?
On the subway?
In a dress made by a hunched over old artisan and there’s me sweating in a hundred pounds of beads because, of course, I had to pick the one car with
No air, I mean
Can you even imagine?
And it’s never worth it, really, is it, like, you know,
I’ve never seen a fig tree with regrets, have you? Exactly-
But you see it’s one thing to feel trapped and then it’s something else entirely to get the bends just getting out of bed.
I mean, right?
(She’s laughing as she twists a finger through her hair)
You get it, right? You know, since apparently it’s all just one big joke
The loneliness, the parties, all the-
God, and then we all get so worked up about it all as if,
As if,
As if it were the end of the world when I keep telling people I feel the world ends much too often these days ha ha but really
I would love,
And I mean, by the way,
L-O-V-E love
A single month with no apocalypses.
One! Ha! Right? Honestly.
It’s one thing to be cynical, she laughs, still twisting, isn’t it,
It’s another to be unrealistic.

Even on mud or grasses,

Strain Again

La Plage Sud

All Change

The Nocturnes

Newton’s Cradle

Another Time

How We Know Each Other

Houdini’s Wife

Trying To Finish A Sonnet At Le Pain Quotidien

Crossing the Pont du Lac Ha! Ha!

(Running) After Catullus (With a Knife)

So What’s My Super-Objective

Remember Once, When It Was Raining,

The Word Is “Yet”

A Subway Sketch

Wait Up! I’m Hamlet, Too!

The Buddha in My Window Box Faces Away


Don’t Go