All Change
And all at once,
like the discovery of Babel,
we will make strangers of each other.
Your words will lose their meaning
and mine will make
a sense that you don’t understand.
In seconds I will be emptied of sameness,
made wrong to you
like Hercules’s wife to Hercules.
Like Juno, you will ash me in one flick
into our grey-beige carpet.
When you move,
and the landlord finds the stain,
He will call it a burn mark.

Even on mud or grasses,

Strain Again

La Plage Sud

The Nocturnes

Newton’s Cradle

Another Time

How We Know Each Other

Houdini’s Wife

Trying To Finish A Sonnet At Le Pain Quotidien

Crossing the Pont du Lac Ha! Ha!

(Running) After Catullus (With a Knife)

So What’s My Super-Objective

Remember Once, When It Was Raining,

The Word Is “Yet”

A Subway Sketch

Wait Up! I’m Hamlet, Too!

It’s Always Something

The Buddha in My Window Box Faces Away


Don’t Go