The Word Is “Yet”
I have not even seen you, lover
And already you scare me. I know,
I know already how the wedding has not been arranged.
How they have lined the aisle— wild flowers, and the bride
Will pick her bouquet as she goes.
And aren’t the crickets pluckier than usual today?
Perhaps the dew was spiked,
Like an anemone.
Or no, a volleyball.
A morningstar.
How many crickets are there in a chirp, then, anyhow?
No, think.
They multiply too fast, it’s not as if–
There’s nothing for it, is there, then.
One night another thing will keep me up.
Maybe the wind

Even on mud or grasses,

Strain Again

La Plage Sud

All Change

The Nocturnes

Newton’s Cradle

Another Time

How We Know Each Other

Houdini’s Wife

Trying To Finish A Sonnet At Le Pain Quotidien

Crossing the Pont du Lac Ha! Ha!

(Running) After Catullus (With a Knife)

So What’s My Super-Objective

Remember Once, When It Was Raining,

A Subway Sketch

Wait Up! I’m Hamlet, Too!

It’s Always Something

The Buddha in My Window Box Faces Away


Don’t Go